Forensic evaluations, threat assessment, forensic psychologist, Connecticut, evaluator, psychological evaluation, threat management, risk assessment, risk management, psychology, forensic, Hartford, CT. corporate school safety



Dr. Leite's office is located on Prospect Ave in Hartford, just down the street from Elizabeth Park. All mail should be sent to the P.O. Box.

 Corporate or government referrals, requests for threat assessment or training accepted by phone, fax or email. You may also use the form to the right. 

If you have a subpoena for Dr. Leite, please call her  to coordinate delivery. Do not put subpoenas in the mail box at her office as it is highly probable she will not receive them. 

Contact Information:

Mail: P.O. Box #272, Granby CT 06035

Office: 674 Prospect Ave, Suite #101  Hartford, CT 06105

Phone: 860-729-2613

Fax: 860-651-0558

674 Prospect Ave, Hartford, CT - by appointment only

674 Prospect Ave, Hartford, CT - by appointment only